Evolving Real Estate to Higher Levels
833-397-6454 OR EXP-NIKI
Download our FREE Training “Seniors Deserve Better”
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It’s time to Up level and Inspire more homeowners. We teach you HOW to increase your sales, Helping More People.
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From 1st time homebuyer to FHA , VA, HECM, Investor loans, Stated Income and Low Documentation loans to Bridge Loans and Commercial Loans.
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Mindset and Preparation as well as being thoroughly educated get you top dollar, the least amount of stress and the ability to move forward with ease.
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Different markets require different strategies and different loans. There are MANY factors you must know to ensure you get the absolute best.
We know many of you have been in the business for ages! We get it. However, there are many new technologies changing how we sell homes today and if you have not “changed with the times” the new generation of realtors, who many have no experience, are going to outpace you 100X as they are born into the digital-tech world. This is all they know… and the learning curve is easy for them.
You can try all the social media strategies, get on Instagram and you tube, use bots and automation and on and on… but by the time you have exhausted your time and money in the next year you will only be behind as things will already have changed in the ever-changing algorithms of technology.
YOU MUST either spend the countless hours, months, years and dollars trying to figure it out OR allow us to show you how to be visible online, Increase your SEO, have more exposure and have a team behind the scenes working to support your business… “showcasing YOUR vast experience” so that YOU can do what YOU are great at. Face to face MEANINGFUL business relationships with your buyers and sellers.
New agents
Why do you think Real Estate is referred to as the “Revolving Door?”
Meaning agents come in and go out just as fast?
It is not a quick, get- rich scheme. It takes hard work, dedication and a ton of Systemization for YOUR business Of course, if you are joining a large company, we will show you HOW to stand out showcasing YOUR style, while using SOME of what they offer you in your dues. Just joining an office, learning scripts and coaching calls is NOT going to get you there…. It’s a step in the right direction.. but there is oh so much more you are going to need to learn… and quick to keep up. Don’t spend years trying to get where we can take you in 30 days! Trust us… We have been there, done that and EVERYTHING IN BETWEEN. YOU DON’T HAVE TO REINVENT THE WHEEL, you need only make a Conscious educated decision…that’s why we’re here.. to help YOU gain the knowledge you need to set yourself apart in the “sea of Realtors” by Showcasing YOUR UNIQUE gifts!
If you truly are going to make this your career, there are many things (aside from the life experience) that you MUST know to get to the top faster. We will teach you how to position yourself in a win-win with so you can maximize YOUR UNIQUE skillset, knowledge and style to create the life you truly desire working with buyers and sellers.
And of course, We LOVE Referrals 🙂

How many times have you said “as soon as this transaction is over, I am taking a break?” You work so hard until the deal is complete. You know you MUST schedule and block your time.
Taking care of you MUST be priority. Let’s finally get to the root cause of “what is no longer serving you” while also being on an amazing retreat with fellow like-minded people.
WE will go deep into ” What needs to be let go of and what needs to be added for you to be living your most Authentic Life. We will also have a ton of fun discovering this beautiful location.
Work with me! Let’s Chat!