What Is the Fideicomiso?
What is the fideicomiso? If you are going to purchase property in Mexico, you need to know the ins-and-outs of this important document. Simply put, the fideicomiso is a long-term irrevocable bank trust. A Mexican fiduciary bank holds the title to the property and...
Home Buyer Fatigue IS REAL!
Ron and Kathy Kern began looking in earnest for their forever home this past spring when their youngest child finished college. The couple hoped to trade their two-story, four-bedroom house in the Indianapolis suburbs for a smaller, one-floor ranch where they could...
Buying A Home During Covid?
The economy was strong, unemployment was extremely low and then… boom! Worldwide pandemic! The COVID-19 pandemic has turned nearly everything upside down, and most economists agree that we are in the midst of a devastating recession caused by the coronavirus....
Nurse Burnout increased Hospital Infections
According to studies the rate of nurse staffing and burnout are directly associated with the rate of hospital acquired infections in Pennsylvania. It is said that there’s a higher risk of urinary tract infections for every...
Covid19 Home Health Nurses and No Insurance?
America is the only industrialized nation without a universal health care system. U.S. Congress took an important step earlier this week by passing the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, which provides free coronavirus testing to uninsured workers....
5 Heart-Breaking Questions I Hear DAILY From NURSES Caring For Their Aging Parents! Part 3
For the majority of us, the guilt we feel is unjustified. We have to remember that even though we feel guilty, it does not mean that we are. We are faced with decisions that we do not like or want to make but we have to do something that is in the best interest of all...
5 Heart-Breaking Questions I Hear DAILY From NURSES Caring For Their Aging Parents! Part 2
HOW CAN I PUT FAMILY IN A NURSING HOME AFTER WHAT I’VE SEEN? This is a very difficult situation to be in for anyone! Being an RN and also working some time in Nursing Homes as a Supervisor, I can tell you, “you really have to do your research” There are many things to...
5 Heart-Breaking Questions I Hear DAILY From NURSES Caring For Their Aging Parents!
How can I take care of my parents AND my patients AND my kids AND myself, let alone working a full-time job in healthcare? How could I put my parents in a Nursing home? NOT after what I've seen! How do I send my kids to college, Create stability for my future, as well...
Thinking about Buying and Operating a Board and Care?
Caring for our seniors is a noble, important, and challenging task, and those facility owners who manage to do it with unconditional love and commitment
Moving mom to Assisted Living and I have to sell her home
How do I pay for this? Who can I trust? This is a specialty of mine being both a Registered Nurse as well as a Long-time Realtor/Broker. Finding a Realtor who is also an RN and has worked for over 20 years in this arena is my Niche! I truly care. Please contact me...